Wednesday, June 20, 2007

2 month Dr. Appt.

Tucker went to the Doctor for his two month appt. He is now 22 and 3/4 inches long and 11 lbs and 13.2 oz. He also got 4 shots! Poor guy, but he did pretty well. Will kissed him and told him that his kisses would make Tucker all better.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tucker's Dedication

Tucker was dedicated to the Lord on June 16th. We had almost all of our families there (and we missed the aunts, uncles, and cousins who couldn't be!) and lots of friends. Heather's brother and Ryan's sister spoke, Heather's grandfather prayed, and Ryan's grandfather did the dedication. Our friend and music minister Brad sang and brought us to tears. The roses you see in the background of the pictures are in memory of Heather's grandparents (Robert who passed in 1991 and Mary who passed just two weeks earlier).

Tucker's Dedication