Tuesday, August 21, 2007

4 years and 4 months

The boys are growing up! Will just turned 4 years old. Weighing in at a whopping 35 lbs and 41 inches he is having trouble finding pants that are long enough and still stay up on his skinny little butt! Tucker is now 4 months old. He is giving his brother a run for the money weighing in at 15 lbs 9 oz and 25 inches long. At this age they were almost the same weight - but Will was 2 inches longer. Tucker had his first veggie today - squash and from his face he didn't care to have it again. Will is starting preschool one day a week pretty soon. Funny things he says - "Kneebow" for elbow and his foot felt "busy" when it fell asleep. Tucker is flipping over from his belly to his back all the time and attempting some kind of scooting around when he gets on his back. I'm sure new pics will be on here soon! Check out KidNation on CBS Wednesdays this fall - one of Heather's past students is on it - Kennedy.

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